Meeting Of Organising Committee Of CPN-UML 10th General Convention On June 30

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the ruling CPN-UML has decided to call the meeting of the 10th General Convention organising committee on Wednesday, June 30.

Party spokesperson Pradeep Gyawali informed that the meeting held at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar had taken the decision to this effect.

“Discussions on the contemporary political issues, COVID-19 control, natural calamities, relief distribution, reestablishment of victims, and preparedness were also held in the meeting,” said spokesperson Gyawali.

It has been said that the meeting of the organising committee being held on June 30 would hold discussions regarding the dissatisfaction of some leaders. “Currently, we are in conversation with the second generation leaders of the Madhav Kumar Nepal-led faction,” said Gyawali.

The meeting of CPN-UML held on March 12 had decided to hold the party’s 10th General Convention from November 18 to 22.

Source : TRN,