Kathmandu, Nepal:
MNTV Hall of Fame – II, a unique and highly waited global online singing competition is scheduled to begin from Friday, 15th January, 2021. The program will be broadcasted every Friday and Saturday on Himalaya TV between 8:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The complete episodes will also be released via MNTV Australia’s YouTube channel following the TV broadcast.
Hall of Fame – II is a signature program of My Nepal TV (MNTV Australia) – after a successful season of promoting Nepali-origin artists based in Melbourne (Season – I), MNTV Australia, amidst a global pandemic, decided to add more value – therefore, the concept of ‘global, online singing competition’ was established.
MNTV Australia received thousands of applicants from more than 18 countries across the globe, from which the Top-50 were short-listed.
“The Top-50 will now compete in the next round of competitions, which promises to be highly interesting and should provide entertaining and engaging content to our viewers”, Raman Jha, Brand and Marketing Manager of MNTV Australia said.
The Top-50 participants will also be judged by a panel of highly accomplished and acclaimed artists in Nepal’s musical industry. They comprise of legendary veteran singer Deep Shrestha from Dharan, celebrated and pioneers of folk-pop genre Bivek Shrestha of Kandara band, from Melbourne and emerging artist Rajina Rimal from Kathmandu. The judges shall be mentoring the talents as they proceed through the rounds towards the season finale as well.
In its second edition, the program has received the support of Mate’s International Education and Visa Services, Tokala Tea, Queensford College, Amrit Oil, Padeluxe, RGIT Australia, City Express, Kathmandu Properties amongst other businesses based in Nepal and Australia.
The program is being directed under the stellar expertise of Laxman Paudyal – he, and his team have been able to carve a unique name for themselves in Nepal’s entertainment industry after successfully directing Nepal Idol, The Voice, and other popular reality shows.