Nation won’t prosper until citizens are educated, former President says

Photo: Rajkumar Parajuli/RSS

Former President Dr Ram Baran Yadav has said the country won’t be prosperous until its citizens were educated.
In a groundbreaking ceremony of Vocational Centre Multipurpose Building to be built by Nepal Vocational Academy at Panauni Municipality in Kavre on Thursday, the former President said education should serve the aspiration of nation building along with purposive and employment-generation. Such education should produce great minds for the nation building, Yadav said.
On the occasion, Yadav expressed concern over the obligatory trend of brain drain of millions of Nepalis for lack of employment. “Today, we are sending skilled and unskilled human resources abroad. Let’s all sectors in the country work for the nation’s rejuvenation by ensuring employment to such force,” Dr Yadav said while voicing support for vocational education to the youth.
On a separate context, the former President said aspiring to do something within the country was a positive move for the nation.
During the programme, German Ambassador to Nepal Dr Thomas Prinz, Mayor of Panauti Municipality Ram Sharan Bhandari, Deputy Mayor Gita Banjara, Chairman of Academy Rabindra Puri and others expressed their views on vocational education, employment generation and other subject. (RSS)