PM Deuba Lauds Leadership Of Nepali Women

Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba on Saturday said that Nepal was in a better position compared with several other countries across the world in female leadership development.
Unveiling a new book written by ruling Nepali Congress party’s central committee member Dr. Dila Sangraula ‘Nepalika Sapana Adhurai’ (Unfulfilled Dreams of Nepalis) in Kathmandu, the Prime Minister said that female leadership widened with the implementation of the new Constitution. Prime Minister Deuba mentioned major roles of women in the Nepali society in his statement and said that 33 per cent reservation for the females was an exemplary task that happened in recent years.

He said that the constitutional provision secures one key post between president or vice-president, speaker or deputy-speaker, chief or deputy-chiefs of local bodies legally for the females which ensures inclusive participation.
The Prime Minister talked about the struggles they faced to draft the new Constitution at the time and said that implementation of the Constitution ensured broader space for all women, Dalits, deprived groups and ethnic minorities. “They got an opportunity for both in public participation and leadership development,”
he added.

He also said that ruling Nepali Congress had created a conducive environment for the female leaders. “We completely apply a theory of inclusive participation inside ruling Nepali Congress. You can see 33 per cent females in various levels of the party,” he said.
Deuba claimed that there was no other party in Nepal except for ruling Nepali Congress to encourage women for the leadership.

The Prime Minister praised the writer of the book Dr. Sangraula as a reflection of struggle in herself who was known for in-depth writings inside the party.
Similarly, vice-chancellor Prof. Dr. Amma Raj Joshi from Sudurpaschim University said that female participation has a positive impact on development. He said that the writer was equally active in politics and writing.
Dr. Sangraula shared her happiness about writing and said she will try her best in balancing politics and writings in future, too.

Source : TRN,