Prohibitory Order Will Be Enforced Strictly: Prime Minister

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said that the government had decided to impose prohibitory order to prevent and control the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, as per the recommendations of the public health experts.

Addressing the nation on Monday afternoon, the ongoing prohibitory order would be implemented strictly to break the chain of the spread of the virus.

“In the current scenario, when over 7,000 are being infected with the virus daily, protection of peoples’ lives is our first priority,” said the Prime Minister.

He added that the formation COVID-19 Crisis Management Committee and nationwide lockdown imposed last year had helped a lot in controlling the spread of the virus.

Prime Minister Oli also informed that 2.1 million Nepalis had already been vaccinated of which, 370,000 had received a second dose as well.

Full text of the Prime Minister’s speech

Protection of human lives is supreme for us. Life comes first of all other considerations. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Nepal has given the highest priority to its prevention, control, and treatment.

We have strengthened our health infrastructure facilities, widened test coverage, enhanced health personnel’s capacity, and started vaccinating people. We received meaningful support from our friends and well-wishers over the last 14 months, which helped us a lot in containing, preventing the disease, and for treatment of the people.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the support we have received in this course. Despite our utmost effort, the second wave of COVID has severely hit the country with an increased number of infected people and mortality rate. I am aware that this invisible enemy has tested our ability and exposed our vulnerability globally. But I do believe that this deadly disease can be overcome through our collective efforts. We are of the view that vaccines and critical care medicines are global goods and everyone should have access to it.

Since we are living in an interconnected and interlinked world, pandemics like this spares no one and no one is safe. It is in this vein I would like to request our neighbours, friendly countries, and international organisations to help us with Vaccines, Diagnostic equipment and kits, Oxygen therapy, Critical care medicines, and Critical care furniture to support our ongoing efforts to combat the pandemic.

Thank you !