The inoculation drive for 60 to 64-year-olds in the Kathmandu Valley has been scheduled to take place from tomorrow.
The vaccine to be used is Vero Cell produced by a Chinese manufacturer Sinopharm and provided in grant assistance to Nepal by the government of China.
The Chief of the Health division of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC), Hari Bahadur Kunwar, said that the drive has been scheduled to take place for five days starting from tomorrow (8th to 12th June). “All 35 wards will have its own vaccination centres and most of them are either ward offices or schools and we expect to inoculate around 100,000 people,” Kunwar told the TRN Online.
Ishworman Dangol, Spokesperson for the KMC, added that the vaccination drive lasting for 5 days will start from tomorrow by vaccinating only 64-year old on the first day, followed by 63-year old on the second day, 62-year old on the third, 61 on fourth and finally 60-year old on the fifth day.
The spokesperson for the Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC) also said that the vaccination drive for 60-64 year old will begin from tomorrow. “The vaccination drive will last for two days beginning from tomorrow (8th and 9th June). Along with inoculating first dose for 60-64 year old, we are also providing second dose Vero Cell vaccines for those who have missed it for various reasons,” said Raju Maharjan, LMC spokesperson. He further added that the location of the vaccination in each ward will be the same location as it was for previous vaccinations. The LMC is expecting to receive 8000 people for the vaccination.
The Administrative Officer for Bhaktapur Municipality Damodar Suwal said that the vaccination drive will be divided into two phases. “The first phase will begin from tomorrow where we will vaccinate 60 – 64 year old from ward no 1 – 5 and in the second phase we will vaccinate 60 – 64 year old from ward no. 6- 10 on the second day (9th June). The drive may extend to three days if more people within this age range are left to be vaccinated.” Suwal added.
The Vaccination drive will begin from 10 AM to 4 PM at every assigned location for all wards in all three cities. One should also note that all wards in all three cities have a designated location for the vaccination.