15 people succumbed owing to Covid-19 in the last 24 hours leading to Monday (04:00 pm) in Nepal – marking the deadliest day of the pandemic so far.
“15 persons, five females and 10 males, succumbed to the virus infection in the last 24 hours,” the daily report released by MoHP said on Monday afternoon.
Of the fifteen deaths, 8 occurred in Kathmandu. Five males aged 77, 62, 73, 85 and 70 and a 61 year old female from Kathmandu, a 55 year old male of Lalitpur, and a 73 year old male of Bhaktapur succumbed to Covid-19 related complications within Kathmandu Valley.
A 23 year old male from Ramechhap, a 63-year-old female of Gorkha, a 62-year-old female of Nawalparasi, a 55-year-old female of Parsa, a 47-year-old female of Kapilvastu, and two males aged 40 and 70 died while receiving treatment at various health facilities across the nation.
With this, the COVID-19 death toll of Nepal has reached 360 and the death rate stands at 0.65 per cent.